Women's Self Defense - Using a Stun Gun

Women's self defense can be as simple as a hand-held device called a stun gun. There are many different kinds, with varying voltages, but the end result is the same: Hold it on someone, and he will end up on the ground.

Stun guns work by creating an electrical circuit with a break in the circuit (and a powerful enough charge to jump that break). The gap between the two prongs is the break in the circuit. When a body offers to complete the circuit, the charge eagerly accepts.

The charge running through the person's body triggers nerves that control muscles, and the muscles rapidly contract and expand, converting blood sugar into lactic acid. It also disrupts neurological impulses that control muscles. The result is physically fatigued and "mentally" confused muscles.

When looking for a product, one of the main things to consider is the voltage. Amperage is really what controls the strength of the electrical charge, but this doesn't vary much across products. Voltage determines the rate at which the charge dumps that energy into the body.

A 100,000 volt stun gun may need to be held on a person for 5 seconds to cause the same effect of just touching someone with a 2.7 million volt one. The result will be the same, but you must be willing to hold the gun on the assailant until he drops. For women self defense, this is the most important thing to recognize.

Fortunately, a stun gun can be applied to any place on the body, and it will work. But I recommend going for the easiest target--usually the stomach, chest, or back. Don't worry about shocking yourself through the other person, human skin is an amazing insulator as long as it's not right between the prongs!

If you are forced to use a stun gun, USE it: Jam it into the most available target on your attacker, and hold it there until he is immobile on the ground. Then get to safety.

Stephen Buller is a practitioner of the self-defense system of Krav maga.
He is Owner and Operator of Protechtion which aims to provide people with the necessary knowledge and technology to protect themselves, their families, and their property. See below links for more on women self defense.

Protect Yourself.

Pretender Cell Phone Stun Gun

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Stephen_Buller/710818

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