Womens Self Defense and Safe Dating Practices

The modern world of dating has changed a great deal in recent years. In the past, one would meet a prospective suitor through local activities such as church or through community connections. Now, however, the internet has opened up a completely new world of options for finding a mate. Unfortunately, along with these new opportunities, individuals with less than savory dating tactics have also emerged. It is for this reason that every single woman, regardless of age, should learn the basics of women's self-defense.

Women's self-defense is an important set of skills that one should investigate. These new and important talents can be gained through classes at the local community center, YMCA, YWCA, and some are even offered through the local law enforcement agencies. Since the courses are so readily available, no woman should ever live in fear of a potential assault by a new suitor.

In the past, the prospective date would be known to the woman, or at least known by the woman's friends or relatives. In this instance, one could be relatively assured that their date would treat them well and behave like a gentleman. Today, though, the "blind date" can be an individual who has actively misled the woman by falsifying his intentions, past bad behaviors, and even criminal convictions. It is again, for this reasoning, that a woman must be confident in her abilities to thwart off unwanted advances and there is no better way to achieve than by mastering the art of women's self-defense.

In addition to learning about and pursuing the acquisition of the necessary skills of women's self-defense, a single person also needs to use caution when meeting the new suitor. Instead of allowing the unknown individual to come to one's home, a single woman, or even an woman living with other women, should meet the date at a mutually agreed upon location. This meeting place should be very visible and public, thus leaving no opportunity for a would-be attacker to gain an unacceptable advantage. This method has additional advantages for personal safety because meeting the date, as opposed to being given a ride, allows one to have access to their own transportation, and are not left at the mercy of potentially dangerous suitors. This is also a good practice even if the would be suitor is not a total stranger. Nothing is more difficult to endure than an evening out with the wrong person. When one has provided their own transportation, they can leave as soon as the opportunity arises and still, perhaps, salvage an evening.

The practice of meeting a new suitor instead of allowing the man to come to your home has additional advantages. A smart woman should not give out her address and personal information to strangers, but when one allows the unknown date to come to her home, she is doing just that. Yes, it is important to meet new people and the internet has allowed each of us to expand our world, but that new world is full of unsavory individuals as well as potential mates. Sophisticated women know that Mr. Right may be right around the corner, but Mr. Wrong might need a little deterrence with the use of women's self-defense.

Get More Information on Self-Defense The Easiest Way At [http://www.womenself-defense.com] By: Wanda E. Hall, Self-Defense Expert

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1350243

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