Crime is on the rise and the crimes are against women are rising at an alarming rate. Women are being assaulted both in rural and urban areas so much women's self defense is becoming an interest to both law enforcement officials and women's advocate groups. Women need to know how to defend themselves and how to protect themselves from diverse situations that could cause harm or even death. If a woman chooses not to defend herself, her possessions, sexual virtues, and even life could be at stake. The statistics show if a man is walking down the street alone and a woman is walking down the same street, the woman has an 80% more chance of being attacked, robbed, or raped than a man. The question is why?
Women have been traditionally known as the weaker sex. Most assaulters are men and they see women as an easy target. Why choose a man to rob when he is likely not only to defend himself, but would also slow down the assault and get away. Women are the logical choice for the criminal activity because most women would succumb to the assaulter's wishes because of smaller stature and less strength. Women were protected in the past by society's rules and a sense of chivalry. Not that chivalry is dead everywhere, a woman has more chance to be assaulted in today's society then they would have twenty years ago.
Women's self-defense is more important today because women have been devalued at the street level in today's society. Most rap videos portray women in a way that they are controlled by men or thugs and are present for sexual pleasure and little else. With this attitude prevailing in the youth of America, a women's self-defense is important to prove that a woman can take care of herself and not become of a young man's desire for sexual violence. Night clubs and discos have become a hunting ground for men of low character who are looking for easy sex without the benefit of honor or self-restraint. A women who has taken women's self-defense classes can stop an attack by an unwanted Romeo or at least hold back the attack until she gets help.
Today's society is a dangerous place for a lady. Every time she walks across an abandoned parking lot at the local supermarket or walks into the parking garage at night to get in her car, she is endanger of being attacked for reasons of sex or money. Women need women's self-defense classes to give her the confidence that she can defend herself and can rely independently upon herself. Thirty years ago it was not that important to take women's self-defense courses. Your father, brother, husband, or boy friend would protect you from the evils of society. Today a woman does not have that luxury because of lifestyle changes and the changes within our society.
Taking a women's self-defense course is the best advice that you can take to save your processions, your womanhood, and you or your children's life.
Get More Information on Self-Defense The Easiest Way At [] By: Wanda E. Hall, Self-Defense Expert
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