I will demonstrate some self defense techniques for women that can be applied when defending oneself against a man who is attacking you. I will provide you with some valid suggestions in case you are ever attacked by a murderer, rapist, or a mugger. There are two techniques in particular that I would like to discuss, which include kicks, pulls, groin strikes, and eye gouging.
Although learning these womens self defense techniques are effective, they will require you to follow them up with additional moves to incapacitate your attacker to a greater degree. One very effective technique is to shove your fingernails into the eye sockets of your attacker and gouge the eyes. Not only will you be causing him a lot of pain, you will also be collecting his DNA under your nails. Don't worry if your nails aren't long; nails that are two millimeters in length are sufficient to do the job.
Memorize a number of ways to learn womens self defense techniques, the most effective of which are strikes in the groin area when defending yourself against a male attacker. A well placed kick to the genitals will incapacitate your attacker quickly. Following this with punching, ripping, pulling, and biting is also effective. This move has many applications, but you need to follow up your initial blow to inflict as much pain and damage as possible.
There is another move that I recommend, and it involves striking the throat and adam's apple of the person attacking you. You will want to have a repertoire that includes a number of ways to learn women's self defense techniques to fight your attacker, as women are generally smaller than men. He may find it difficult to breathe after he is hit in the throat. As he must have oxygen to attack or chase you, impairing his ability to breathe may give you the chance you need to escape.
Keep in mind that you must always follow up your initial defense move with more, including kicks, punches, elbow jabs, knee thrusts, heat butts, and whatever else you must to to damage your attacker severely enough to be able to make a successful escape without being pursued. If you can apply the groin strike, eye gouge, throat smashing techniques, you will likely have the advantage over your attacker in an encounter. I sincerely hope you found these womens self defense techniques useful!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3227844
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