Effective Self-Defense Gadgets for Women

There are several self-defense gadgets easily and readily available in local shops and online stores. Most manufacturers create and produce gadgets with styles and specifications made particularly for women. Because of these gadgets, it has been very easy for women to feel safe and confident whenever in a risky area because they know that they carry something that can help in protecting themselves. These gadgets have clever designs to disguise and conceal their original purpose. If you do not have at least one self-defense weapon yet, you had better search for and buy one now. This world is not safe anymore and you would not really know when a stranger would harass and attack you.

Here are some of the best devices especially designed to protect every women out there:

1. Mace and pepper spray are two of the most helpful and effective gadget for women, mainly because it is very convenient to bring and very easy to use. Most of the sizes of pepper spray will allow you to put it easily inside your pocket so you can retrieve it as fast as you can. If you put it inside your purse or bag, make sure that it is in an area easily to reach and find so it would not be a hassle for you to look for it when you needed it the most. You also have to be accurate and be fairly close to your attacker so you can successfully aim and spray this gadget on his eyes. Pepper sprays can cause irritation and impermanent blindness to the eyes of your attacker.

2. Taser and stun guns can disable and immobilize your attacker once the electric shock from it hit the muscles of the attacker. There are several designs for tasers and stun guns. Some are very small so it can fit well within your hands and some have disguising look like a cell phone to make it unnoticeable.

3. Kubotan Key Chains are another personal defense gadget perfect for women. It can be very handy and you can always bring it anywhere by putting and using it as a keychain accessory on your bag. Kubotan key chains are rods made of plastic that have various uses and designs. Some have tapered and spiky ends. Some rods of Kubotan key chains even have tear gas, darts blades and electric shock to make sure that every woman can get utmost protection from it.

Several protection gadgets are very helpful and extremely effective for the self-defense needs of many women. Aside from having these gadgets, women should always be alert and smart when in a threatened areas and situations.

Fabiola Castillo is an online marketer for the website NinjaCOPS SuperStore. This virtual store specializes in crime prevention tools where you can buy cheap stun guns, kubaton keychains, hidden video spy surveillance cameras, nunchaku training videos, civilian Tasers, expandable steel batons, and many other personal safety products.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6066407

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