Find A Doula NYC For Your Childbirth Experience

By Sarah Butler

If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, you may have given some thought to the services of doula. If you are not familiar with the term, a doula is a woman who has special training in assisting women during childbirth. Often doulas also provide the mother and her baby with some postpartum care. The idea is to offer emotional support to a woman giving birth and in some instances to communicate with the medical professionals who care for the mother during childbirth. Meet with more than one doula NYC to make sure the two of your are compatible.

Even though giving birth is one of the greatest moments in the life of a woman, it is also an emotional and often physically painful experience. A loving partner may not understand how to provide moral support, even with the best of intentions. To the extent you use the services of a doula is an individual decision. Every birth and every mother is unique.

There are many doulas in New York City to serve the large population. Some work with a team of other doulas, while others work solo. One quality is necessary in this short but symbiotic relationship. There must be good chemistry between the two women. The mother has to feel complete confidence and trust.

When you meet with her it is okay to ask the number of births she has attended. Many women would feel more secure with someone who has worked with hundreds of women during childbirth, rather than working with a relative novice. However, the more experienced ones may be more expensive. Some doulas may also have had experience working as midwife.

Together the two of you can decide at what time in your pregnancy you want her services. You may want to meet with her periodically during your pregnancy, or you may want to wait until you are closer to your due date. This a strictly personal choice, with you being the decision maker.

Doulas often work with mother and baby to ensure a successful start to breastfeeding. This process is as natural as breathing. Yet it is not uncommon for new mothers to have difficulty. New mothers can be a little nervous, especially if this is their firstborn. A good doula will calm both mother and child and instruct the mother on the skills of feeding her baby. Often this is all it takes to get the milk flowing and the baby feeding.

If this is your first pregnancy you may need some assistance with preparing for the homecoming. In the first few weeks you will not feel like leaving the house too much. She can come to your home to make sure everything is organized so you will be able to care for your new baby. She may advise what foods you should have on hand for yourself. Breastfeeding mothers need plenty of nutritious food.

New York City will be a wonderful place for your baby to start his or her life. You, as the new mother, will have many options for your health care, your hospital, and your birth plan. With a population the size of New York there are plenty of services available.

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