Seven Things That Make Airbrush Spray Tans Currently Preferred By Artificial Tanning Fans

By Hasywood Hunter

Currently, a lot of people step foot inside tanning salons than sit under the sun just to get a lovelier complexion. Airbrush spray tans are sought after due to the many advantages they have over other methods of obtaining a fake suntan. Below are seven reasons why they are preferred by those who like to look fabulous without unnecessary UV radiation exposure:

Airbrushing leads to the production of an artificial suntan that looks like the real thing. Because the instrument is operated by a trained individual, the formation of streaks can be avoided. The result is often a far cry from the kind obtained when any other method is employed, especially something done at home like covering the body in UV-free tanning lotion or foam.

Ending up with knees, elbows and other body areas darker than the rest can be dodged. Letting an experienced technician perform the airbrushing is the secret to a consistent color from the face to the toes. In contrast, those who opt for other at-home indoor tanning methods are likely to find themselves having darker colors in certain areas, and their palms are some of them.

Darkening of the complexion takes place the moment the sunless tanner is sprayed onto the skin. The solution used is added with a bronzing ingredient that leaves a stain. This is important because the active ingredient known as DHA takes 2 to 4 hours to produce an initial change in complexion. Because of this bronzing ingredient, instant satisfaction is enjoyed by the customer.

Personalized airbrushing allows an individual to sport a fake suntan that looks so real. The shade perfect for the customer will be suggested by the salon attendant. Commonly, the appropriate color is based on the person's natural skin tone. When DHA has completed its development in 24 to 72 hours from the initial application, an eye-catching complexion is achieved.

You may enjoy the color produced for up to a week long. However, it's also possible to make the fake suntan stay around for a couple of weeks. Such can be done simply by applying a moisturizing lotion on a regular basis. This slows down the skin's exfoliation, causing the color to remain longer. It's possible to ask the technician which product may be used for best results.

DHA comes from sugar cane so it won't harm the skin regardless of the type. The 100% natural active ingredient can effectively darken the topmost layer of the skin, something that is made up of dead cells. Because no UV ray exposure is involved, it's easier to steer clear of skin cancer. The person can also stay away from ending up with premature aging signs brought by the sun.

Having only certain parts of your body airbrushed is highly possible. Choosing the have your whole body treated requires you to stay inside the tanning salon for only 15 to 20 minutes, including the drying time needed by the UV-free tanner. If partial airbrushing is preferred, that amount of time can be considerably shortened. Letting an expert do the job ensures that even hard-to-reach areas can be sprayed, something that can be quite challenging when an at-home method is preferred.

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